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The UPS Store Small Business blog
  • 04 December 2023
  • Public Relations

Top Sales Hacks to Get New Clients and Customers to Increase Small Business Sales

As a business owner, it's crucial to understand the significance of acquiring new clients while also maintaining strong relationships with your current ones.


While your existing customers are essential for your business's stability and growth, actively pursuing new clients is equally important for expanding your reach and revenue streams.

Finding new clients goes beyond just paid ads, it requires strategic planning and targeted efforts. That's why you should continuously evaluate and adjust your strategies based on market trends and feedback from both existing and potential customers.

In this blog post, we will break down some ways your small business can attract more customers to increase its sales.

The Role of New Clients in Small Business Growth

As a business owner, acquiring new clients is vital for the growth and success of your small business. Not only does it expand your customer base and increase your revenue, but it also increases visibility to a larger audience. Building relationships with both current and potential clients is key to achieving these goals.

Reinforcing Revenue

Increasing profits and acquiring new clients is undoubtedly a top priority for all small business owners. By effectively generating new clients and customers, you can not only boost your revenue but also gain valuable insights into customer behavior that can help you tailor your business offering for better customer satisfaction.

Understanding and analyzing customer behavior is crucial in tailoring your business offerings to meet their needs.

This knowledge allows you to make informed decisions, adjust marketing strategies and create personalized experiences for your target audience. Additionally, it helps you identify areas where improvements can be made in order to optimize the sales process and drive more revenue.

Engaging with potential clients through various channels such as local events, online platforms or networking opportunities can significantly expand your reach and increase the chances of acquiring new customers.

Implementing effective ways to get clients involves strategic planning, consistent effort and a strong focus on building relationships with potential customers.

Brand Recognition and Business Expansion

In order to achieve business success, it is crucial for business owners to ensure that their ideal clients are aware of their small business.

This is because the more people know about your business and align with your products or services, the greater the opportunities for growth.

Building relationships with existing customers can play a significant role in attracting new clients. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend your business to others, which can help expand your customer base organically.

Ensuring that past clients leave positive online reviews or testimonials can further enhance your reputation and get clients who may be searching for businesses like yours.

Engaging with the local community can also be instrumental in attracting new clients. Participating in local events, sponsoring community initiatives or collaborating with other small businesses in the area can help increase visibility and generate word-of-mouth referrals.

Top 3 Strategies for Attracting Potential Clients

Now that you understand the importance of gaining new clients and retaining existing ones, here are 3 strong strategies for attracting more customers that are best suited for your brand.


Building relationships and networking are essential for attracting new clients and growing your business. One of the most effective strategies to gain more clients is simply by talking to them. By engaging in conversations with potential clients, you can showcase your expertise, understand their needs and establish trust.

Moreover, reaching out to other small business owners in your industry can provide valuable insights on how they network to generate new clients. By learning from their experiences, you can discover effective strategies and techniques that may work well to get clients for your own business.

Online Networking

One of the most effective ways to network online is through social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn. Create a professional profile that showcases your expertise and experience and actively engage with others in your industry by commenting on their posts, sharing valuable insights and connecting with potential clients.

In addition to LinkedIn, platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and even Facebook groups can be used strategically to build relationships and get clients. You can share relevant content, interact with others in your local community or target market and promote your business through engaging posts.

Another valuable strategy is reaching out to individuals with whom you have already established contact. Utilize your email contacts to find clients that you've met before or obtained through referrals from colleagues. Sending personalized emails or making connections via social media to keep in touch can lead to opportunities for collaboration or referrals via others’ networks.

Offline Networking

When it comes to expanding your client base and attracting new business, networking offline can be a valuable strategy. It allows you to make personal connections and build relationships within your local community and with other businesses.

Here are some effective ways to network offline and potentially get clients:

  • Coffee meetups: Arrange informal coffee meetups with professionals and business coaches in your industry, or with potential clients. These meetings provide an opportunity to make connections, share knowledge and explore strategic partnerships.
  • Networking events: Attend local networking events where you can interact with other business owners and professionals from various industries. These events often offer structured opportunities for introductions, discussions and exchanging contact information.
  • Phone calls: Don't underestimate the power of a simple phone call. Reach out to local businesses or individuals who may be interested in your services to introduce yourself and discuss potential partnerships or projects.
  • Being open to conversation: Stay open-minded and approachable in different settings such as conferences, seminars, or even social gatherings within your community. Engage in conversations with other attendees or people you meet spontaneously as they could turn out to be prospective clients or referral sources.

Remember that networking offline is not just about promoting your business, but also about fostering mutually beneficial relationships. Encourage new client referrals by developing strong relationships with existing customers who are likely to recommend your services to big clients.

Building a Robust Marketing Strategy

Having an air-tight marketing strategy is critical to helping your business reach your target clients. Here are the big elements we recommend you focus on:

Social Media Advertising

Social media has become an essential tool for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. It offers various benefits to effectively advertise your brand and win clients.

One of the key advantages of social media is the visual aspect that allows you to showcase your product or service. By sharing eye-catching images or videos, you can captivate potential clients and give them a visual representation of what your brand has to offer. This helps create a strong first impression and increases the chances of attracting new customers.

Furthermore, social media sites offer various features that can help you actively engage with your audience and encourage them to become clients. By using branded hashtags, hosting giveaways and tagging followers, you can increase your visibility in prospective clients' social feeds. This strategy ensures that your brand remains in front of their eyes, increasing the likelihood of them considering your offerings.

Additionally, social media provides an opportunity to foster a sense of community around your brand. Encouraging interactions from followers through comments, likes and shares helps build connections with both existing customers and prospective ones. If executed properly, your small business has a great chance of getting more referrals from satisfied customers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization plays a crucial role in helping small businesses attract and engage their specific audience online. By implementing effective on-page SEO practices, such as using valuable content, specific keywords, optimizing page structure and creating compelling meta descriptions, businesses can improve their website's visibility in search engine results.

One important aspect of SEO is crafting blog content that is relevant and valuable to your target audience. By consistently publishing high-quality blog posts that address the needs and interests of your target clients, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry and attract organic traffic to your website.

Furthermore, by optimizing your web pages with relevant keywords, having guest blog posts and providing detailed descriptions, you increase the chances of appearing in the results of people’s search engines.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool in the realm of digital marketing, particularly when it comes to engaging with new customers or individuals who have shown initial interest but haven't made a transaction yet. By leveraging the email addresses collected through forms on your website, you have the opportunity to reach out and establish connections to get clients.

Sending targeted emails to these individuals can be an effective way to nurture and encourage them to take action. One strategy is to share exclusive or personalized information about new offers, promotions or updates related to your products or services. By providing value through exclusive discounts or personalized recommendations, you can entice potential customers to make their first purchase.

Another approach is to highlight the unique value proposition of your business and showcase why your offerings stand out from competitors’. This can include emphasizing benefits such as superior quality, exceptional customer service, or innovative features that set you apart in the market.

In addition to promoting specific products or services, consider using email marketing as a platform for virtual events. Hosting webinars, workshops, or virtual meetups allows you not only to provide valuable content but also to foster a sense of community around your brand. These events can attract both past clients and new prospects who are interested in learning more about what you have to offer.

Direct Mail Marketing

When you're a small business, you might not necessarily have the budget or means to create fully fleshed-out ads to attract clients.

Print, radio and TV can be quite costly and time-consuming for a small business looking for new ways to get clients. While digital marketing techniques like paid advertising and social media have become increasingly popular, direct mail marketing has its own unique advantages that should not be overlooked.

One of the key benefits of direct mail marketing is its ability to reach prospective clients directly. By sending physical marketing materials directly to their mailboxes, you can grab their attention in a tangible and personal way. This approach allows you to stand out among the sea of digital ads and emails that consumers receive daily.

Direct mail also provides an opportunity to target a specific audience or groups of people who are more likely to be interested in your products or services. By using targeted mailing lists, you can send your marketing materials only to those who are most likely to respond positively.

This helps maximize your return on investment by focusing your efforts on individuals who are more likely to convert into customers.

Direct mail is also budget-friendly and effective in encouraging existing customers to continue shopping with your small business. By regularly sending personalized offers, discounts or updates about new products or services, you can remind your current customers why they chose your business in the first place and incentivize them for repeat purchases.

Exceptional Customer Service

Maintaining exceptional customer service is crucial for businesses, as a staggering 96% of customers are willing to switch to a direct competitor due to negative customer service experiences. Therefore, it is essential to focus on strategies that will attract and retain happy clients. In this section, we will explore effective ways to find clients and keep them satisfied.

Building Trust

Building trust with both new and existing customers is essential for any business, regardless of whether you operate in the service or retail industry. To cultivate trust, it is important to communicate often with your clients. This can be done through various channels such as email, phone calls or even social media posts. Regular and open communication shows your commitment to keeping clients informed and engaged.

Furthermore, it is crucial to stay true to your brand across all communication platforms. Consistency in visuals, tone of voice and overall communication cadence helps reinforce your brand identity and enables customers to recognize and connect with your business more easily. By maintaining a consistent brand image, you establish a sense of reliability that customers appreciate.

Transparency also plays a significant role in building trust. Being transparent about your product or service offerings, pricing structure, policies and any other relevant information helps foster your trustworthiness among clients.

When customers feel informed and confident about what they are getting from you as a business, they are more likely to place their trust in your offerings.

Creating a Positive Brand Image

Creating a positive brand image involves several key strategies that can help businesses encourage and attract clients. Two important aspects of this include handling sticky situations with grace and acting quickly by engaging often with your audiences and customer base.

In today's fast-paced world, it is vital for businesses to be proactive in addressing any negative situations that may arise. By handling these sticky situations with grace, brands can not only resolve the issue at hand but also showcase their commitment to customer satisfaction and problem-solving.

This can help build trust and credibility among existing clients while also leaving a positive impression on prospective clients.

In addition to gracefully managing difficult situations, acting quickly and engaging often with your audiences is crucial for maintaining a positive brand image. This means actively participating in conversations on multiple platforms such as social media and review sites.

By being responsive to feedback, questions and concerns from your audience or customer base, you demonstrate that you value their input, which helps foster a strong connection between your brand and your customers.

Apps and sites like Yelp and Google are often where new customers get their first look into your business. Embrace this by engaging with positive and negative reviews. These reviews and feedback are crucial because they give prospective customers an insight into your business.

People want to shop at a business they can relate to as a customer. That’s why it’s important to be transparent and show potential customers that you, as a business, are constantly trying to improve.

To effectively promote your business and attract more clients, it's important to tailor your engagement strategies to suit the specific needs of your target clients. Whether you are in the service business or retail industry, understanding who your ideal clients are will enable you to better engage with them in meaningful ways.

Referral Programs

Rewarding current customers for their referrals is a highly effective strategy to grow your business and maintain positive relationships with your existing customer base. When you offer incentives such as instant access, a free service or exclusive discounts to customers who bring in new business, you provide them with motivation to actively promote your brand.

For example, let's say you're a freelance web designer who specializes in web development services. One of your past clients refers somebody to your freelance platforms or job boards to inquire about your services. It might be a good idea to reward the past client for their referral.

Referred customers have been found to be 18% more likely to remain loyal to your business compared to other customers. This is because they typically come through recommendations from trusted sources, which builds trust and credibility around your brand.

When you encourage clients to refer their friends and colleagues, it can be done through various ways, including launching a social media promotion and targeted marketing campaigns.

By creating referral programs tailored toward specific audiences or incentivizing clients who refer others outside of their own network, businesses can tap into new markets and reach a wider audience.

Nurturing New Relationships as a Business Owner

Now that you have your blueprint on how to get new clients, it’s critical to keep them. Studies have shown that 80% of future profits can be attributed to just 20% of your existing customers. Therefore, maintaining strong relationships with your previous clients and turning them into loyal customers is key.

To retain your clients effectively, it is important to consistently provide high-quality services or products that meet their needs. Additionally, regular communication and engagement are vital in staying connected with ideal clients.

Social media platforms offer effective free tools that allow you to nurture relationships with both new and existing clients. Engaging with them through social media allows you to showcase your expertise and provide valuable content that keeps them interested and informed about your offerings.

By consistently providing excellent customer service, actively connecting through various channels including social media and delivering on promises made, you can build a solid foundation for long-lasting client relationships.

Remember, happy clients not only become repeat buyers but also act as brand ambassadors who may refer others to your business.

When your business expands and you find yourself in need of shipping more marketing materials such as direct mailers, orders or other promotional items, The UPS Store is here to support your small business needs. Find a store near you to get started!

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